i love cats love decorating rooms i like playing the piano oh if your a big mean bully read this Bullying? Think you’re so cool? -The girl you just called fat?…She is over dosing diet pills..- The girl you called ugly?…She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her? -The boy you tripped? He is abused enough at home. - See that man with ugly scars?…He fought for his country. -That guy you made fun of for crying?…His mother is dying. -That kid you made fun of for being bald?…He has cancer. -Put this as your status if you’re against bullying. I bet most of you won’t re-post, but I’m sure people with a heart and backbone will
chess cats
chess cats ۵ عضو
me and the boys
me and the boys ۲۱۳ عضو
Chess will
Chess will ۶۴۸ عضو
Chess Is Cool
Chess Is Cool ۸۶ عضو
Chess Bananas
Chess Bananas ۱٬۴۷۵ عضو