Chessable author and full-time Chesscoach. Discounts offered for the purchase of lesson packages! I offer a personalized training...
Hello! I am 23 year old International Master Raghunandan KS from India. I have 1 GM Norm and a FIDE rating of 2441. I offer lessons...
Chess Club owner in San Antonio Complete Chess.
- COACH OF THE MONTH On (April/2024) - PRIVATE...
"He wondered, as he had many times wondered before, whether he himself was a lunatic. Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one....
Hi, I am Luka Draskovic, born 1995 in Montenegro, currently living in Belgrade FIDE ELO: 2509(peak), FIDE Instructor, dipl. oec.,...
12th Women's World Chess Champion, Grandmaster, educator, Champion for Peace, marathon runner and a mom. Make sure to follow/like/subscribe...