
Champion Tactics with GM Wolff - Discovered Check & Double Check

Champion Tactics with GM Wolff - Discovered Check & Double Check

Are you ready to win material?

GM Patrick Wolff, a two time US Champion is back with another series of educational tactics focused on discovered checks! These are a specific kind of Double Attack or Discovered Attack. A "Discovered Check" happens when one piece moves away and "uncovers" check against the king by the piece behind it. "Double Check" is the same thing, except that the piece moving away also puts the king into check, so the king is attacked by two pieces at once. Start using discovered checks like a champion today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • How to set up discovered checks!
  • How to use devastating double checks!
  • How to avoid discovered checks!
  • How to start winning games with discovered checks!

Lesson 1

White has just moved the Knight to d4, thinking he is safe from any immediate discovered check. Can you find the flaw in white's reasoning?
2 אתגרים

Lesson 2

Material is even, and it looks like Black has White's far-advanced passed pawn under control. But...
3 אתגרים

Lesson 3

White is behind the exchange, but has the chance to give discovered or double check. How can White make the most of that opportunity?
2 אתגרים

Lesson 4

Both sides are attacking the other's King, so this position is dangerous for both sides. But Black has the opportunity to force victory right now. Do you see how?
3 אתגרים

Lesson 5

Both Kings are in a very precarious position. How can White use discovered or double check to land the knockout blow first?
3 אתגרים

Lesson 6

Black has just played a Bishop from f6 to g7, to drive the Queen away from its powerful post on h6. So what do you think -- does White have to move the Queen away?
3 אתגרים

Lesson 7

The lineup of the Rook and Knight on the last rank, and the proximity of the Queen to Black's King are all very suggestive. Can you figure out how to put it all together?
2 אתגרים

Lesson 8

Black's last move was to capture the e4 pawn with the Knight, thinking that this provides a defense by exchanging pieces. What has Black overlooked?
5 אתגרים

Lesson 9

Black's King looks exposed, but then so do white's pawns, and Black's Queen is very active -- in fact Black threatens 1...Qg1 leading to checkmate!
4 אתגרים

Lesson 10

Black attacks White's d-pawn, which is pinned to White's Queen, so black hopes to win the pawn. How can White turn the tables on black?
3 אתגרים

Lesson 11

White has sacrificed a pawn for a very active position. Do you see the move to take advantage of all the piece activity White has?
4 אתגרים

Lesson 12

If the e4 pawn where not there, White would be checkmated quickly. Does that give you a clue about how to attack White's King?
2 אתגרים

Lesson 13

It doesn't look like Black is in any danger here, but in fact it's checkmate in four moves! Do you see how?
4 אתגרים

Lesson 14

White has a large lead in development, but Black thinks White has no way to exploit it. What do you think?
2 אתגרים

Lesson 15

Black has sacrificed a pawn for an attack, but White seems to be in a good position to defend, and White even threatens his own discovered check. How can Black land a knockout blow first?
3 אתגרים

Lesson 16

It may seem hard to believe that discovered or double check will have a devastating effect here. Look at all the possibilities...
3 אתגרים

Lesson 17

In this super-sharp position both sides are attacking. It's hard to see who is better, until you see that White has forced checkmate!
2 אתגרים

Lesson 18

Both sides are attacking, so your move had better be as powerful as possible! This is where discovered check can really help...
2 אתגרים

Lesson 19

Here the winning idea is first set in place by deflecting a key defender, then setting up a powerful discovered/double check.
8 אתגרים

Lesson 20

White has a Queen for a Rook, but several pieces are attacked, and Black is threatening to promote the pawn on b2 to a Queen.
3 אתגרים

Lesson 21

It takes two discovered checks to finally drive the stake into Black's King. Can you find them both?
5 אתגרים

Lesson 22

No doubt White expected black to just recapture the Knight at c6 but White was in for a rude surprise. Do you see how?
3 אתגרים

Lesson 23

It's not hard to see that White's piece placement is very awkward, but on the other hand White is only one move (Rh2) away from substantially easing the situation.
3 אתגרים

Lesson 24

The attack looks very nice but your Bc4 is pinned and threatened with capture with check. Can you carry on without it?
3 אתגרים

Lesson 25

Black threatens Qh4+ and Qh2# but before that can happen White has a way to instantly concentrate all the pieces in a decisive attack. Do you see how?
2 אתגרים

Lesson 26

Black has a piece less, but has the right pieces! Figure out how you can win immediately.
3 אתגרים

Lesson 27

An oldie but goodie. White to play and win.
3 אתגרים

Lesson 28

Sometimes the same discovered check repeats over and over in a device known as a "mill." Here White can set up a winning mill despite standing a piece down. Can you show how?
8 אתגרים

Lesson 29

Usually White must play a move like Qh4 but here there is something unusually strong.
4 אתגרים

Lesson 30

You are White. Your opponent believes that the last move, ...Nc6, is winning your pinned Bishop. Disabuse that notion.
3 אתגרים

Lesson 31

This is a striking and difficult exercise. White wins with a discovered check and it's hard to see how that's possible. Which piece is going to be giving the check?
3 אתגרים

Lesson 32

It is not hard to see that if White's Knight were not at e4 he could play Qh7#. However, moving the Knight to create this threat would at the same time grant Black the reply ...Nf6, defending the mate. What to do?
3 אתגרים

Lesson 33

How can White use double check to smash through to Black's King?
5 אתגרים

Champion Tactics with GM Wolff - Discovered Check & Double Check

33 שיעורים
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111 אתגרים
מתאריך 3/13/2008