I AM A Candidate Master FROM INDIA.https://players.chessbase.com/en/player/ravi_kumar/213809I ALSO HAVE TITLE OF FIDE INSTRUCTOR...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9GMiH86LxQ YouTube - "Are you drunk sir? Dude!!" - 2800 lichess GMTwitch - https://www.twitch.tv/chessrevelation/lichess...
Hi everyone! My name is Alexandra Samaganova and I am a WFM from Kyrgyzstan. My peak FIDE Rating is 2109. I am a Five-time...
Hey Chess.com users I am Shelev Oberoi an 18 year old NM with a peak fide rating of 2328 as well as 2 IM norms. I just started streaming...
Hello everyone! I am Robby Kevlishvili, a 23-year-old Dutch Grandmaster with Georgian roots. As a junior, I have participated in many...