
I will not put up with internet crimes and personnel in the oversight of any website who are complicit in such activities. already demonstrated involvement in one such matter.

When not even addressing anyone in particular, made a short post, a compliment and a nebulous remark, and then a "bad bishop" comes on railing me with the following, among other statements that made no sense per what I wrote and yet this person gets no punishment yet the victim on the receiving end does, it points to either gross malfeasance or corruption of purposeful involvement. In any case, the owner of the site becomes culpable. Internet bullying shouldn't be acceptable behavior but apparently it is if you are a paying member at

So when you said nothing terrible about anyone and you get the following, how would you like it?

Take a hike made up GM.
Your comments here are all out of line/ uninformed.
Stick to your trolling elsewhere.
Nobody cares what you think.
completely irrelevant- typical of your stupid comments.
Share with your fellow idiot- all the bad stuff.
Nobody here gives a hoot about your nonsense.
It’s a serious matter- one that is many steps above your mentality.
Now take a hike.
Report me fool .
Get yourself muted.
You really are the fool aren’t you?

It's sad this site doesn't do enough in spotting the bad characters who attack people. In this case, the personnel of engaged to condone internet crimes. This is far more unacceptable than simply a member committing such a crime.

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