www.chess.com/puzzles/battle/2wcQxfFa6 65 in 3 min battle, 1/7/2025
Locate the 5 Stars within the Pie and you shall be rewarded 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286...
Hey I'm Fide Candidate master Akeem Brown. This year makes 10 years that I've been playing the game of chess and I'm still in love...
IM_Skliarov#3602 it`s my discord profileMy name is Viktor Skliarov! I am International Chess Master, my fide profile https://ratings.fide.com/profile/14106736...
Hola, soy una ajedrecista con más de 20 años de experiencia, he participado en muchos torneos nacionales e internacionales,...