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Team Brazil
O Team Brazil é o time oficial brasileiro nos campeonatos de Daily Matches (xadrez diário) da World League - WL e da Pan-American League - PAL na p...
2 155
The Film and TV Buffs
This is a club for all fans of film and TV, where you can exchange views on your likes and dislikes, plus play themed tournaments for customised pr...
I want this club to have 1k+ members because I am a normal human. so please join. ty. '-' Advertisement: Are you looking for a club where you c...
North America United
This group is a geographical entity encompassing North America, from Greenland and Canada to the north, to Panama and the Caribbean to the south. W...
3 831
The Monarch Butterflies
Hi, we are The Monarch Butterflies! If you like butterflies or just nature in general, we are the club for you! If you like daily chess we want ...
pwani chess
pwani university chess club
Uruguay Open
Liga de jugadores uruguayos auspiciada por la Federación Uruguaya de Ajedrez. 1) Todos los jugadores de Uruguay Open que representen a Uruguay tie...
2 568
Benfica Fans Club
BEM-VINDO ! BIENVENUE ! WELCOME ! BENFICA FANS CLUB !!!! E PLURIBUS UNUM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
1 574
Team Pakistan
Kindly join this official chess club and support to make it even stronger at world level.
2 399
Simply Delightful
A conclave of eager chess enthusiasts, enjoying participation in a breadth of scintillating chess events , learning and growing while enjoying c...
La version pixelisée du club d'Echecs de l'Agglomération Chambérienne
The Game Zone, a pocket of time and space created by the Time Lords that was at the centre of the Panopticon - the great city on the Time Lord h...
KNOCKOUT VOTE CHESS LEAGUE (KOVCL) runs vote chess tournaments (both standard & chess960) between different clubs on chess.com. All season...
The Average Community
A club for average people Feeeel free to spam  we have VC matches and weekly tournaments so we hope u enjoy  Hope u enjoy and then ...
King Strategies
Hi there! We invite you to join King Strategies! We are a fast-growing club with 1000+ members!  We are very active and strive to be even ...
1 097
Mindgame masters
Mindgame Masters is an exclusive club designed for chess enthusiasts who aspire to elevate their game. With a vibrant community of over 300+members...
The Amazing Superstars
Anyone who love online social company can join this club.
Chess University - Portugal
Chess University Affiliate Club for residents of Portugal who wish to improve at chess. This club serves to help the local chess community organize...
4 071
Team Spain Live
Team Spain Live es el equipo oficial de España para competiciones en vivo en chess.com. Un equipo comprometido, competitivo, con ilusi&o...
A Step Ahead Chess
A Step Ahead Chess: Our Mission - Leave a lasting impact on the lives of children by addressing their physical, mental and emotional needs with ...