ایک شطرنج کلب تلاش کریں

The Stormfields
This club is only for the Stormfields. If u don't think ur supposed to be in it, ur not.
Atrushi club
✹ ئەتروشی کڵەب ماڵێک بۆ پاڵەوانە کوردەکان
Road to Membership
        ROAD TO MEMBERSHIP   COME AND JOIN US!! What does the "Road to Membership" club have that no other chess ...
Los amigos de Chanquete
Hello friend: The club “LOS AMIGOS DE CHANQUETE” is currently in the TOP ONE of the World and Championship of the TMCL ALPHA 2023, 20...
Die Victorys
We are delighted to extend a warm invitation to you to join our distinguished club! Have you ever pondered the prospect of checkmating your opponen...
Friends of ngoctrong2014
This is a club for friends of ngoctrong2014. Here we will exchange with each other even though we speak different languages ​​but we are still frie...
Turma do Xadrez - Reddit
Para os amigos do Reddit que querem fazer parte de um grupo de xadrez, aqui estamos. Regrinhas básicas do grupo: -Não insultar ou...
Team Lithuania
This is the group representing Lithuania in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in League match play. Mem...
Team Zagreb
Ovo je tim za ljubitelje šaha iz Zagreba, Zagrebačke županije, kao i za sve koji vole Zagreb. Nastupamo u natjecanjima WCL - Liga gradova i...
Sahovska sekcija TQM Aradac
Pozivamo Vas da se učlanite u Šahovski klub Saveza Šahovske sekcije TKM Centra! To je mesto gde se okupljaju ljubitelji šaha d...
Diagonally Challenged Gentlemen's Club
For discerning ladies and gentlemen who enjoy the company of like-minded chess enthusiasts. Lots of chess, some chat, no pressure. Join a winning t...
Chill With Club
   A world of fun and excitement. This is a Club that brings you excitement and fun. You can go to the online chat to chat together! In a...
Team Alberta II
This is the official group representing Alberta on the Chess.com site. It is for all those who would like to represent Alberta and take part in Int...
Hello,this club is for people who love exploring far beyond whatever the limit is.YOU are welcome to join and have fun!First 5 people to join are a...
A fun group that is interested in chess and loves the world. We will accept any rating, and age, and sex, etc. LETS MAKE THIS OUR FREE WORLD. So co...
phoebe's friends cafe
Welcome! This club is for viewers from Phoebe's stream, to play some Chess and have fun!
HZG Schach
Liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler des Hohenzollern-Gymnasium, hier könnt ihr euch anmelden um zu sehen, welche Mitschüler noch am Hohenzollern-Gymnas...
엔둥이 체스 크루
playentry.org 체스닷컴을 즐기는 엔둥이들을 위한 클랜입니다! 심심할 땐 체스 한 판 하시죠?  (리더 : 엔달인)
Custom Positions Club
Have you ever been messing around with an empty board and adding pieces to it, then trying to play that position with your friends or an engine? We...
Chessmates Online Academy
This is the club for the Fort Collins Chessmates community. Join us for weekly tournaments to sharpen your skills and compete against other members...
¿Quieres sumarte a un club donde siempre hay torneos, diversión, un grupo de gente genial y análisis de partidas en twitch?Do you want to join a cl...
The Green Dragon Inn
🟩 Welcome to The Green Dragon Inn! We are a roleplay club for all ages, and we sometimes have chess matches. 🍀 We would love to have you here ...
Team Indiana
For everyone at Chess.com that proudly calls Indiana home. A group dedicated to all things Hoosier.
EQUIPO MADRID, este un grupo de ajedrecistas que compartimos un lugar de convivencia físico, emocional y mental con la ciudad de MADRID ESPA...