
3 membros
0 Eventos Jogados

Hello, and welcome to The Wonderously Exceptional Role Players, or for short, T.W.E.R.P.s! We are what's known as a light role playing group, which means we play RPs, but not Dungeons and Dragons sort. We play many varieties of light role play; all types of themes.
The best part is, you can make the theme whatever you want (as long as it's within the rules, of course wink.png)! If you want to join, you'll have to send a request. In the request no message is needed, if you ask we'll send you a quick fifteen question test - nothing too hard.
If you don't feel like you are ready to join TWERPs yet or you are interested in Role playing but don't know how, we have an anyone can join club: the Role Play Club here: https://www.chess.com/club/the-roleplay-club

  And once you feel ready, just send in a request to join T.W.E.R.P.s!
I hope for this group to be very active, and have role plays going on often. We also are going to start a club newspaper once we get more members!

(Note: Since this is a new club, becoming an admin and joining is much easier than it will be in the future. And if you do not want to take the quiz, you can join as a spectator.)